6 Ways to Incorporate Witchcraft into your Morning Routine

Waking up is really hard for me. But, by incorporating witchcraft into my mornings, I look forward to getting out of bed. With these simple steps, I really set my attentions for the day and start off with a good mindset. Now, I know it seems idealistic to do all these things first thing in the morning, but you should really try it! Make a morning routine for yourself incorporating magick (you could use my tips or come up with your own!) and try to stick with it for at least 21 days.

1) Morning meditation 
         - By doing a morning meditation you can start off the day feeling grounded and focused. It doesn't have to be long, maybe just 5 minutes even.

2) Shower with intention
         - Magickal showers are one of my favorite things! You can incorporate magick into your shower by setting the mood (with candles or music) and focus on what you manifest for the day. If I take a shower during the morning, I use this time to manifest. If I take a shower at night, I use this time to cleanse. If you have a little more time, you could also incorporate a shower ritual into your routine!

3) Morning tea leaf reading
         - If you love to enjoy a morning cup of tea like me, you can use this as an opportunity for divination. Enjoy your tea and then use the leafs to interpret how the rest of your day is going to go.

4) Using beauty charms for your makeup
         -Try charming your makeup with a glamour spell. You can charm it to look more radiant, or even use it as protection. I also like to charm my perfume for protection because I really feel like I can spray it over myself and be enveloped in it.

5) Draw a tarot card 
         -Take out your deck of tarot or oracle cards and draw a single card. You can use this card to interpret how the rest of your day may go!

6) Journaling your dream 
          -   I don't know about you, but I almost instantly forget my dreams after I wake up. So, to remedy this, I just leave a journal on my night stand and instantly write down everything I can remember. I really love doing this because I love to interpret my dreams and connect them to things that have happened or will happen!

Thank you for reading my new post and let me know what you thought of it!


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