How to Make the Shower Magickal: A Shower Ritual

I always read about such lovely bath rituals and would see such beautiful pictures of luxurious bathtubs with candles and crystals surrounding it. After seeing these images, I often wish that I had such a nice set up for bath rituals. But, alas, I am stuck with only a shower and my dream of bathing in fresh flowers will have to wait. If you are also in a similar situation, I am here to provide you with an alternative: shower ritual. Keep reading if you want to add a little more magick into your washing.

Cleanse the area 
As with any magickal ritual, it is important to cleanse the area by either burning sage, an incense, or palo santo.

Create the Setting 
Even if you are taking a shower, mood lighting can make a world of a difference. Just place a few candles in places that won't get wet and will not risk falling over. Also turn off the lights (making sure you can still see well enough). Feel free to add crystals to enhance the ritual.

Play relaxing music
This is another simple step but it is also incredibly important. Music can drown out the world and really put you in the right mindset.

Incorporate Shower Melts 
Shower melts are a lovely way to incorporate aromatherapy and magickally intentional herbs. They are essentially like bath bombs but the essential oils are a lot more concentrated. All you need to do is place one near the water fall (not directly in or it will dissolve too fast) and as it dissolves, the steam will carry the lovely essential oils into the air and around you. Here is a post on how to make shower melts yourself.

These rituals are normally meant for cleansing and purifying before spell work, but they can also be used to set your intention. Here are some essential oil blends to use in your shower melt that work for your intention:

Success and Luck

Peaceful Sleep
-roman chamomile
-ylang ylang



Sugar Scrubs 
Making yourself a scrub is perfect to get off the spiritual and literal dirt that you have been carrying with you. Not only is it great for purification, but it feels nice, and it is also perfect for incorporating magickal intentions with herb correspondents.

I wasn't quit sure what to name this part of the ritual. But after you have scrubbed yourself, you can pour over a mixture of coconut milk, rose water, and other whole herbs over your skin. Like the other steps, you can incorporate your intention into this by adding herbs such as lavender for peace and rose buds for self love. Be sure to rub in the mixture and really get in tune with yourself.

Oil Blend 
This last step to really seal everything. Rub in either an oil blend or just pure oil, let it sit for at least 30 seconds, and then rinse it off. You can use any oil you'd like, such as, olive, coconut or almond.

Throughout this process you can also incorporate mediation and ritual chants. Remember that water is a powerful tool in the craft and even a shower can be made magickal given your intention.

Thank you for reading my post and I hope you enjoy my take on a shower ritual. 

**do to the oils being used, be careful of the floor becoming slick beneath your feet**


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