Beginner Herbs for your Witchy Garden


Herbs are an essential part to a lot of witch's crafts. Finding fresh herbs can be expensive and locating dried herbs can be annoying. Also, for most places, you have no idea where these items came from. Creating your own herb garden can connect you more with nature, provide you with fresh items for your craft, and give the therapeutic effects of gardening. However, growing plants can be easier said than done and that is why I am here to provide you four beginner friendly plants to get you started. 


I have been growing sweet mint for the past couple years and even when I have been neglectful to my plants, this one always makes a comeback. It is by far the easiest plant that I have grown and it is very useful in your craft. 

Growing Mint

Mint is fast growing and will take over any garden quickly. This is why I suggest leaving it in it's own pot. Plant mint in the spring or the fall, when there is no chance of frost. Plant seedlings 18 to 24 inches apart. Once you have planted the seeds, keep the soil moist and the seeds should sprout in 10-15 days. Mint can thrive in full  sun but it will also survive in partial shade. Mint needs lots of water, so make sure to check daily if the soil is dry. It will tell you when it is thirsty by drooping, but try and water it before it gets to that stage. Fertilize during the growing season every four to six weeks. 

Mint in Witchcraft 

This wonderful herb has lots of uses in your craft. It is perfect for spells that involve money. But it also corresponds well with protection, healing, traveling, and dreams. 

Rosemary and Lavender 

Growing rosemary and lavender together has been my favorite combination. Both thrive in similar conditions which is why I have decided to include them in a section together on this post. They also have amazing and effective uses in my craft.

Growing Rosemary and Lavender 

Both plants thrive in full sunlight and a well-drained soil. Over watering is a common issue for people with these plants. Make sure to let the soil dry completely out before watering again. Cutting back rosemary is essential when growing with other plants because it tends to get out of control if left to it's own. Fertilizing too much will make the lavender grow more leaves instead of flowers, so these plants actually prefer low nutrition in their soil. 

Rosemary in Witchcraft 

Rosemary has been used in spells and formulas for thousands of years for it's cleansing and protective qualities. Adding rosemary to your sage bundles is perfect for clearing out energies in your space. Although cleansing and purifying are it's main correspondents, clarity and focus are also associated with rosemary. 

Lavender in Witchcraft 

This herb is perfect in spells associated with sleep. It's correspondents also include: peace, protection, and clarity. I love including lavender in my teas and it has one of the best scents out of any herb. 


I decided that I had to include this herb because although it is not as common, it is incredibly easy to grow. About a month ago, I planted some seeds in this pot and without me having to do anything, it sprouted and now has grown pretty big. It is fast growing and pretty tough and has same interesting uses in your craft. 

Growing Catnip

Catnip is apart of the mint family, which explains why it also grows so fast. Like mint, it grows well in full sun, well drained soil, and must be watered frequently. It also shows signs that it needs to be watered, so make sure to keep an eye on it. 

Catnip in Witchcraft 

It is common knowledge that cats love catnip. It is also great for healing animals and increasing your psychic bond with animals. Catnip can be used in tea for happiness and relaxation. When used in mediation, it can also increase your psychic abilities. 

Thanks for reading my post and happy spell casting! 


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