Spell to Make Something Go Smoothly


  • Cinnamon (for success) 
  • Chamomile (if money is involved) 
  • Clove (for protection) 
  • Ginger (for money and success) 
  • Thyme (for health)
  • Mint (for luck)
  • Citrine (for luck)
  • chili powder (if you want it to happen fast) 
  • Bowl (that is fire safe) 
  • candle (blue or green for luck)
  • lighter 
  • oil to dress the candle 
  • piece of paper and pen

  1. Cast your circle or do whatever you think necessary before casting a spell. 
  2. Carve your candle with sigils for luck and success*
  3. Dress your candle with an oil that is charged for success.
  4. Sprinkle each ingredient on the candle while saying what each ingredient is for. For example, "I'm adding cinnamon for success and I am adding chamomile so I will have enough money for _____."
  5. Write on your paper what you want to go well.**
  6. Light you candle and say, 
      "With this flame i bring about my desires."

      7. Spend a few minutes with your note and focusing on the flame. Charge your flame with intent for the spell. Think about what you want to happen and how it is going to happen. Think about the feelings you will happen when what you want happens. Use these thoughts to put energy into your candle.
      8. Circle your note around the flame three times saying:
      "Beautiful universe hear my call
       help me achieve my desires with ease
       Ensure everything goes as well as possible 
       And hear all of my pleas
      With my energy and my will 
      I know what I ask will be fulfilled."
      9. Light your paper and place it in the bowl. 
     10. Continue to mediate with the flame and what you want to happen. 
     11. Let the candle burn all the way down and then discard your ashes and ingredients in the wind. 

*This part is optional
**This is one of the most important parts of the spell. Make sure that you are extremely specific. Magick always takes the fastest route and you need to be mindful of that. For example, if you are trying to lose weight you need to be clear and say "I would like to lose 20 pounds through exercise by November 8, 2019 and keep it off." If you were to just say "I would like to lose 20 pounds," you could potentially lose the weight by becoming ill or lose the weight and then it come right back. Now, this spell isn't meant for weight loss but the same concepts can be applied. 

Thank you for reading this post and let me know what your thoughts are!


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