Tackling this season's Mercury Retrograde

We are already 1 week into the first mercury retrograde of this year, can you tell? Well, I sure can! But, I am here to provide you with information all about this mercury retrograde in Pisces and how we're going to make it through. 

What is a Mercury Retrograde?

Several times out of the year, Mercury goes into retrograde, which means that it is moving in an opposite direction to the Earth. Once Mercury turns to move from west to east (as opposed to the usual east to west) it is in retrograde. From Earth, it appears that Mercury is moving backwards, but this is actually an illusion. 

Astrologically speaking, Mercury is associated with communication, traveling, coordination, technology, and even thought processes. Due to the appearance of  change in Mercury's planetary movement, the retrograde is said to cause bad luck and issues such as car problems, relationship problems, and flight cancellations.

What does this mean for you? 

Have you been experiencing any of the following:

  • lack of motivation
  • random mishaps
  • a lack of self assurance 
  • electronic issues
  • random traveling mishaps
  • poor communication
  • general bad luck
If so, you could be experiencing the effects of the mercury retrograde? Due to the retrograde being in Pisces, poor communication and misunderstandings are to be highly expected.

How to get through this Mercury Retrograde

  • learn to adapt
    • Things that you were not expecting may get in the way a lot and learning to not catastrophize a situation will be beneficial. Instead of focusing on how bad the situation is and what bad things will come from it, put your thoughts toward finding a solution.  
  • Plan ahead
    • Make sure to be prepared for flight delays or cancellations. Pay attention to any lights being displayed on your dash or any weird noise that your car is making. Plan on leaving extra early to important events. This can ensure that even if something goes wrong, you're prepared. 
  • Think Positively
    • I know that this can be easier said than done, but negative thoughts can really take over during this time. Keep looking at the good in situations and trust the universe. Remember that your thoughts can determine your future outcomes and you could end up magnifying the bad luck that the retrograde may bring you.   
  • Do Not Rush
    • Try not to rush things during this time. It will have a higher chance of not going in your favor during this time and you will not be prepared for issues that may arise. 
  • Cast Good Luck Spells
    • Casting a spell for good luck may help to counter act the effects of the retrograde. Maybe even creat a little luck satchel to carry around.  
What are the Mercury retrogrades for 2019?

March 5-28, in Pisces
July 7-31, starts in Leo and ends in Cancer
October 31- November 20 in Scorpio

Try to not schedule huge events or big trips during these times or make any huge purposes, such as buying a car. Also, it may feel better to know that you're not just randomly going through bad luck and that there may be a reason. 

Thanks for reading my post and happy spell casting!


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