Spell for Making the Right Decision

I plan on posting one of my own spells once a week, so be on the look for new posts!

Purpose of the Spell: For guidance and luck in making the right decision.

-Satchel/small bag
-an acorn
-pen and paper

-Clear you mind and make all your preparations for going to sleep. 
-Start placing your ingredients in your satchel while focusing on the decision to be made. 
-Once finished place the satchel under your pillow and place the pen and paper next to your bed. 
-Before going to bed say (or think) the following:

                   "There is a decision to be made
                     I need help so I can know what to do 
                     Please let me see the right path
                     Provide me with the decision to do what is right."

-Clear your mind as you fall asleep. 
-In the morning, write down everything you can recall from your dreams: the answer will be brought to you through them. 
-Repeat as necessary. 

Thank you for reading and happy spell casting!


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