Ostara Ritual for the solitary witch

Spring happens to be one of my favorite times of the year and along with it, one of my favorite sabbaths, Ostara. This year, it is on March 20 (if you are in the northern hemisphere) and also happens to land on the full moon. Ostara is the true marker of Spring and the Earth warming up for rebirth and renewal. Fresh flowers are in the air and light energy is all around us at this time. To celebrate the new holiday, here is a ritual for ostara:

what you need: 

  • An altar decorated for Ostara
    • You can decorate your altar with pastel colored ribbons and eggs. Flowers are also good editions, as well as, symbols of young animals. This could include the bunny, chicks, calves, etc. 
  • Flowers 
  • Boiled egg or an orange if you do not eat dairy
  • Either a bowl of water or water in your cauldron
  • seeds that sprout during the spring (marigolds, daisies, poppy seeds)
  • A pot full of fresh soil 

Doing this ritual outside is preferable, but it is perfectly okay to also complete it inside. If possible, spend time outside in the early morning. Notice any changes to the plants, such as new flowers and growth. Pay attention to the air getting warmer and the noises around you, as the birds chirp around you. 

Ostara is meant to be about new starts and fresh beginning, so, maybe take a ritual bath or shower, wash your hands, or even just change your clothes. Consider clearing the energy of the area that you will be completing the ritual with a magickal broom. You could also burn sage, palo santo, or an incense (jasmine or lavender will work well). 

After the area is cleared of old energy, take a hold of your seeds and meditate. Hold them and think about fresh starts and what beginnings you would like to sow. Is there a new career that you've been thinking of taking up? Or maybe another feat you'd like to embark on? Whatever it may be, focus on your seeds and how they represent the start of your journey. Think about how the seeds will grow to become beautiful and strong, like your dream. 

To start: 

Begin this ritual how your tradition requires, like casting a circle and calling the four corners.

The Ritual:

  • Place your flowers in a circle around your bowl/cauldron of water. 
  • Take your boiled egg (or orange) and begin pealing it. Thank the Earth for all she provides. The egg represents fertility and the life which she gives us. 
  • Place your egg off to side and gather the egg shells. 
  • Drop your egg shells (or orange peels)* in your water. 
  • Use your index finger to churn the water clockwise 9 times while saying the following:

 As the air begins to warm
and the days and nights become equal
life begins to bloom all around.
Hope fills us for warmer days
as the land beneath grows fertile.

This is the beginning 
of new growth and light.
Thank you mother earth
for all you provide.
Thank you sun 
for joining us once more.

The time has come for new beginnings.
The time has come for new opportunities.
Welcome, new life.
Welcome, Spring!

  • Touch around your soil that is in your pot. How does the soil feel? Can you feel the foundation that it will provide for life? 
  • Plant your seeds in your pot (remembering the instructions on how deep and how many seeds to use). 
  • Pour some of the water over the seeds, being careful not to over saturate them. 
  • Meditate with your potted seeds. Focus on the new beginnings it will inspire. See yourself accomplishing your new ambition. And better yet, feel how great it is to finally meet your new goal. 
  • Place your pot in a sunny warm location. 
  • Pour the rest of the water on the Earth outside as an offering. 
  • Eat your boiled egg (or orange)

Be sure to pay special attention to grounding yourself again and drink lots of water. Perhaps you may write in your journal about the event. You could also read tarot cards about the goal that you have set out to accomplish. How will you accomplish it? What obstacles may be in the way? 

Make sure to take good care of your plants in the months after. As you cater to them, also cater to your goal. 

I hope that you enjoy this ritual and can either use it or take something from it. Happy spell casting!

*If you are using an orange for this ritual I would recommend cutting your orange peel into small pieces before putting it in the water for your plant. 


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